Message from the President of the Board of Directors
Your Contribution is the Key
Pro Arte Musical is the oldest organization promoting the musical arts in Puerto Rico. We are proud to see that, even after great and unexpected challenges, we have prevailed in our mission to promote the best of the international repertoire and to plant in the youngest the seed of love for music.
Precisely, because of the love of music, today, 93 years after its founding, we understand that Pro Arte Musical is more relevant than ever. Music – both its interpretation and its appreciation – is a balm of well-being that soothes the soul, lightens our sorrows and enlivens and improves our joys. What great power music has! We know that we still have much to contribute in favor of the promotion and dissemination of musical excellence in our country.
The past 2023-2024 Season left us with memorable performances that left us breathless and encouraged us to look to the future. From the masterful interpretation of the percussion group, Tambuco; the immense vocal display of the sopranist, Samuel Mariño; the magic of our musicians and our national instrument in the concert, El Cuatro Puertorriqueño Clásico y Contemporáneo; the relevant and progressive compositions of Carlos Carrillo together with the precise interpretation of Third Coast Percussion; the divine tear in Liuba’s voice and the enormous talent of the New Virtuosos, Wilhelm Magner and Laura Miah Ramos, made us remember that we can all connect in emotion and feeling when we enjoy the live talent of extraordinary performers. Thank you all for a wonderful season!
Now, the new 2024-2025 Season promises to offer, equally, a quarry of talent and emotions. On this occasion, the common thread will be string instruments, with the stellar participation of the best performers of today, whose careers are an example of commitment and greatness.
Your donations and memberships are fundamental to the existence of Pro Arte Musical. They provide the financial support that the organization needs to keep the concert offering and the community educational program active. Your support also offers children and young people the opportunity to share with great artists, through our Open Music program and through master classes for students from specialized schools and the Music Conservatory.
We turn once again to your generous contribution and count on your presence in support of our legacy…
For the love of music.
Myrna M. Rivera Cardona
How You Can Contribute
There are different ways in which you can support the management of Pro Arte Musical. Choose the one that best suits your possibilities.
▹ Pro Arte Musical, Inc. is a 501c(3) NGO.
Your annual contribution will allow you to help raise an Endowment Fund or investment account in perpetuity to pay for the continued operation of Pro Arte Musical. In this fund, the principal remains intact and growing, and only the income it generates is used as stipulated by the fund itself, the donors, or the legatees.
Sponsorships are a valuable contribution: all donations are tax-deductible, and you will enjoy extensive exposure, free tickets, and the association of your brand with a prestigious organization that has contributed to the enrichment of Puerto Rico’s cultural life for the past 90 years.
Planned giving is a growing philanthropic industry and is critical to the future of nonprofit organizations. There are different ways to bequeath money or property to an organization, whether it be a testamentary assignment, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts, gifts of real estate, or other assets such as securities, retirement capital, and life insurance policies. When you think about leaving your legacy, consider including Pro Arte Musical.

Call us for more information or to coordinate your donation.
(787) 722-3366

The silkscreen represents the fatal separation between Filí Melé (Euridice) and Palés (Orpheus) and is dramatized by the proximity of the two hands that almost touch on Orpheus’ lyre. The lyre represents music, art, and poetry. This is a metaphor for the destiny that awaits the poet, who can only have access to his beloved through art and poetry. Art is seen here as the bridge that connects us with the spiritual world (Euridice is also the soul) and with the goddess as the archetype of nature.
by Rafael Trelles
For more information about the silkscreen call:
(787) 722-3366
Rafi Trelles is, without a doubt, one of the most recognized current Puerto Rican artists in and outside of Puerto Rico. Trelles dedicates himself almost exclusively to oil, and recently, to non-traditional media. Silkscreens by Trelles are rare, which increases the economic value of our silkscreen print.
The print run is limited. Only 100 copies and a handful of artist’s proofs were printed, also numbered, which increases its value. Size 22″ x 30″. It includes more than 40 colors, which involve the same number of passes in each copy, creating a very elaborate work with an unusual level of nuance and contrast.
The silkscreen is an exploration of the relationship between the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice and the work of one of our greatest poets, Luis Palés Matos, the cycle of poems to Filí Melé. It exposes, in parallelism with the erotic conquest, the paradox of the creative act: an attempt to translate beauty into artistic language, never fully achieved and is frustrated and even destroyed in the attempt, only to obsessively insinuate itself again in the mind of the creator.
The silkscreen shows the moment when Orpheus, thanks to music, has gained access to hell and is in the process of rescuing his beloved Eurydice. But Orpheus, with a forbidden glance in Eurydice’s direction, loses her again. (The expressions on Orpheus’s face, as he confirms the effect of his transgression, at the very moment it occurs, and on Eurydice’s face, are exceptionally successful.) The verses with which Palés concludes his last poem in the cycle are descriptive of this painful frustration: “…lost and already conquered forever, faithful escape, Filí Melé abolished”.
The highly complex and exquisitely executed silkscreen is replete with marine symbols, a Palés obsession, and allusions to African and Western myths as well as other Palés poems, such as the coiled serpent in Eurydice, reminiscent of the enigmatic figure of Lepromonida, one of his strangest poems. The game between the gazes of Orpheus, Eurydice, the serpent, the fish, the semi-submerged idol, and the masks, recalls the description that Palés makes at the beginning of the first poem of the cycle, of the body of Filí Melé: “the body, crystallized nudity, it is nudity in light so naked, that when looking at it you’re gazing at the gaze”. The clearly dreamlike atmosphere of the silkscreen also evokes that same atmosphere in the verses of Palés “…and in the distance, the wing of a candle is disappearing, it is going away, vanishing, and I am also losing myself in it, and when I finally return, in a slight glimmer of consciousness, how far I already find myself from myself, what a strange world surrounds me…”
By: Juan C. Perez Otero, Esq.
We need your financial support to maintain the artistic level of our concerts as one of excellence and to strengthen our educational programs. Make your donation today!
You can make your donation through ATH Móvil by opening the app, searching for “donate” and then searching for /ProArteMusical.
You can also use the section below to donate by credit card.