Música Abierta

Música Abierta

Música Abierta is a classical Pro Arte Musical program aimed at impacting communities for educational purposes, within which master classes and didactic concerts open to the community are presented in both the digital and physical world. Through Música Abierta, we envision creating a digital platform for easy access to music therapy sessions (equivalent to telemedicine therapy sessions), as well as facilitating access to Puerto Rican academic resources aimed at students of the Conservatory of Music, Escuela Libre de Music, the Music Department of the University of Puerto Rico, members of the Puerto Rico Symphony, among others, in turn allowing the program and our artists and teachers to have international exposure. This will allow participants in our communities free access to resources in education, therapy, and entertainment while opening a window for local talent to attract international fans with an economic impact through a boost to music tourism. Música Abierta, through the years, has been one of the most successful programs of our institution.